Ravenshaw University: Deptt. Of sociology holds workshop “Joy and Challenges of Being with Sociology
Raveneshaw University’s department of sociology on Saturday organized a workshop on the “Joy and Challenges of Being with
Sociology: The workshop represented culmination of the week-long lecture series sponsored by the UGC under its Visiting Fellowship
Programme. The department of sociology is the first in the University to initiate such a programme. The session commenced with a welcome address by Dr. S.P. Ray, faculty and greetings from Prof. D.R.Sahu, head, the office bearers and members of the Orissa Sociological Society (OSS) and teachers from various colleges across the state also participated in the proceedings. Prof. Rita Ray, President, OSS released the first monograph of the working paper series of the Department titled Creative Sociological Journey. department of sociology. The workshop was chaired by Prof. N. Barik, head, political science. It was attended by the vice chancellor, registrar, chairman, Council of Deans, Dean Students’ Welfare and faculty members from other Departments of the University. New Horizons of Theory and Practice and the Labor and Love of Learning: An Initiative in Mutual Explorations and Dialogues.” Professor Ananta Kumar Giri, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai who is currently a visiting faculty in the department of sociology, Ravenshaw University, delivered the key note address which revolved around the themes of
transformative knowledge and with and beyond plurality of standpoints.
The initiation of the working paper programme is a maiden attempt of the department after the inception of the University. Dr.B.K.Mishra, Faculty, Deptt. Of Sociology offered the vote of thanks.