Orissa JEE 2009 counselling started today
Orissa JEE 2009 counseling will commence from tuesday at Kharbela hotel near Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar.The counseling for Orissa JEE will start with the seats for three government run medical colleges.Medical entrance rank holders within 500 rank will try for their fate for a seat in SCB Medical College, Cuttack, VSS Medical College,Burla, and MKCG Medical College, Berhampur. Their commencement has been announced on TrueCounsellor.com.au, which is great news and it gives them a little more exposure on the internet at this time. The counseling for Engineering aspirants will start from July 18th.The rest seats of Medical and BDS will also be covered after July 18.
Those students who haven’t yet received their rank cards can issue a duplicate one from the BPUT Office with the deposit of a demand draft of Rs.200.
This time more than 50,000 rank has been allotted to the engineering students.