A young Indian woman trying to expose the migration and education scams in Australia has been threatened and attacked.
The woman, reporter of ABC TV, was working for a program 'Four Corners' for which she got threatening all along the weekend.In ...Read More »
Sanyukta Pangi, 16-year old school girl from Koraput has been nominated for attending J8 summit, an initiative taken by Unicef to globalise education.J8 or Junior 8 is a meeting of 52 youngsters from G8 countries and non-G8 countries India & ...Read More »
After the debacle defeat in the land of England in World Twenty20 cup, the winning of the series in Carribean soil brought happiness to the lips of Indians.It was after seven years India won the series in West Indies land.
India ...Read More »
The fire for racism over Indians by Australian communities hasn't been over yet, another such issue arised at the center of Canada.It has been reported that Indians are insulted by a group of young Canadians in the outskirt of Vancouver, ...Read More »
India started the Twenty -20 world cup victory by defeating Bangladesh in its first match.India put a score of 180 before the Bangladeshis in the given 20 over.
In the answer, the total they could make only 155 in 20 overs.Yuvraj ...Read More »
After a lot of campaigning including road rally to songs on media, today the exam is over. For a seat of 543 in loksabha the election was conducted in five phases all over the country. Today the fifth and ...Read More »
India is excelling in every field may it be in sports, literature, business or technology.After entering into the world of most powerful person and leading the list now, India has occupied its ranking in most reputed list of companies.In terms ...Read More »
The more luxury occupying today's life of modern man, the more the life is becoming machine dependent.Machines have become a necessary ingredient for smooth maintainance of day-to-day life. Humans evolved mind is thinking of such a machine maintained world, where ...Read More »
Today Prachanda resignated from the post of Primeminister which led to
disruption of peace in the atmosphere of Nepal.The trickery in the political field
was the main reason behind the above decision taken by the president there.
There was a huge misunderstanding between ...Read More »
AmaOdisha.com is a collection of sport, real estate, education, jobs, business, technology, politics, tourism information of Orissa, India. | Read More »
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